Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Starting again

So today isn’t a day of any importance… just a day that I figured since I was kind of bored at work and have some time to jot a few words down, i would. It’s a also a day when I re-remembered that I was fat. A fatty mcfat fat, if you will. And that I want to do something about it. To recap since the majority of the world doesn’t know me I’m 23 years old and have been overweight since I was about 8. That’s third grade… right? Moving on. The only time since then I was remotely “not fat” was for the years of 7th – the end of 9th grade. I had a few growth spurts that allowed me to appear elongated instead of expanded. Unfortunately by the end of high school I was well over my appropriate weight limit and have yet to loose and keep off any significant weight. I’ve lost some… and gained it right back several times over the years. The most recent attempt was about a 6 month stretch where I lost about 40 pounds… from mid March 2009 to the end of October 2009. Unfortunately, it’s now late February 2010 (almost 4 months) and I’ve gained 30-something of it back. I really don’t know what’s wrong with me… it’s like I’ll be dedicated and things will be going well and then as soon as I get results I get cocky and figure I don’t need to pay attention anymore and then my new pants don’t fit and my old pants are still a little big and I’m pissed off and don’t want to try again.

Small picture re-cap of my weight over the last two years:
Dec 2008 (not even my "biggest" but a good second)
March 2009 (when I started the weight loss challenge)
Sept/October 2009 (really could see some results)
Dec 2009 (before I started to gain it all back)
Feb 23, 2010 (starting over)

Here I am… trying again. And I’m hoping to log my progress. Not that this blog will be entirely about weight loss but wish me luck anyway.

1 comment:

  1. Hopie shared a insight she had while listening to Kristen Chenoweth (she played Glinda on Brodway in Wicked) and she hired a personal trainer he asked her why she wanted to lose weight and she said because she hated the way she looked. He apparently told her that she needed to learn to love her body the way it was because then she would want to make it stronger... thus making the weight loss so much easier to obtain and keep it off. I am currently working on loving my body (its really hard) because I know some day I want it to be stronger and I want to be stronger for my kiddo. It has totally helped Hope though and she is doing WW and has already lost 15 pounds:D So I challange me and you and Amanda to learn to love our bodies:D And possibly work out once in a while together:D!
