Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Back on my bandwagon

Since I trust, whole heartedly, the all of two people who read this - I'm gung ho-ing for weight loss again. I stumbled across this girl who lost like 150 lbs and looks amazing. No fad diets or surgery. Gave me a little boost of motivation. I also got on peer trainer but that doesn’t do crap. They really try to get you to join groups to get you for that support/motivation but the few groups i tried to join either had ppl wanting to loose less than 20 lbs (not in the same league) or ppl who didn’t seem active on the site anymore. A lot of good those group would do... regardless I'm jumping back on... So here's what's up. From last March to November I lost 40 lbs. YAY! But since last November I've put all but 10 lbs back on. and really more like all but 8 lbs. I started a Weight Loss Competition at 258 (I think). And got down to 218... but Now I’m right at that 250 brink. I can’t believe I let myself do that. I really need to get started again. But my problem is no one is holding me accountable. I know I need to do this for myself, but it's hard... obviously or I would never have let all that work disappear.

I think I'm going to go the calorie counting route - it makes the most since and a lot of places have it posted on their nutritional info section so I won’t have to be hermit to loose weight. I'm also giving me a dead line. My 25th bday. Almost an entire year! The only problem I have is that I don’t know what weight I can be. For my "height and age" I'm supposed to be anywhere from 114 - 150 lbs - However I set my goal to be 160 lbs. That’s 90 lbs in year. And they are suggesting that I should consume about 1,366 calories a day to reach my goal weight of 160 lbs by July 07, 2011. – Which should be totally doable. It’s like 8 lbs a month – so only like 2 lbs a week. Really? That should be a snap. But I’m not going to get over confident. I gave myself a goal to be under 200 lbs by this past birthday and failed miserably. Instead of beating myself up about it – I’m going to start over and with a fresh conscious and a positive attitude.

Keep me on track friends… I need your support and loving ridicule when I start to slack.
Me as of today, 7/27/10 - This morning exactly 250.0

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Ok… maybe not so many X’s b/c we all know my life is not X-Rated but still. I’m excited about this!

Colored pens to make the work day go by faster!

Dogs that lay on their sides/schlep over…. Such cute droopy faces!

Also new quotes from cute dogs: “there once was a noody named jackalope‏…”
This provided quite the hardy laugh from Amanda and I at lunch on Tuesday.

Annnd…. New Goals! I know it’s not new but it’s the first time I’ve spent anytime looking into and I’m in LOVE with Hungry Girls simple swaps. It’s a lot like “Eat This, Not That” but most of the “Eat This” dishes are recipes for you to make your own. Hints where the goal comes in. I’m not a cook or a baker or even a simple mix it up-er. So my goal is to make something new everyday. I don’t know for how long but I’m hoping I’ll work out my kitchen kinks and get a few recipes down as my tried and true’s and delectable defaults and can whip something up if need be.

If you haven’t browsed around on the page, please do… this is where I was getting most of the swap ideas from: http://www.hungry-girl.com/chew/index.php?start=0&page=1

Monday, July 12, 2010


I’m 24. This kinda stuff shouldn’t bother me but the more and more I hear about the goings on with two (I guess now) used to be friends I get very agitated. So this is a brief set up the situation and then I’ll delve down a little deeper.

My birthday party was on Friday the 2nd to accommodate Kathy’s friends party on Saturday the 3rd. Not a big deal, moved it up one day. So with that the normal people were invited but not too many showed up. It was still fun. What gets on my nerves is that P and D were invited but didn’t say word one either way to me or Amanda. Austin started playing middle man to figure out if they were going and after a few back and forth’s lead us to believe that they might come over, just after work. Come to find out they had no intention on showing up at all. They had better plans with a friend from The Church and just went there instead… Ok, so a little crappy but what makes it worse is that they were texting Austin, who did have the decency to show up – early even and help with the decorations, to try and get him to leave and join them… What the F is that? I mean if you don’t consider yourself my friend enough to even decline the invite – fine. But to try to take someone from my party and get them to join you is straight up shitty.

THHHHHEN they go out with the same group of people (from The Church) for another party this Saturday. I mean really. I know I’m not super fantastic when it comes to parties but good lord. You bail on my birthday to party with them two weekends in a row? That’s rude.

But what makes it worse is that even thought we haven’t been close to them in really the past year, when Pearce got diabetes we were the only people to visit him besides his family and Dani and Austin. I mean… none of those amazingly awesome and fun church people were there. AND Amanda and I skipped the Parade to hang with him practically ALL Saturday then when he got out, they went M.I.A. again Amanda’s party, showed up super late and only stayed for maybe 1 hour. Really, that’s gratitude if I ever saw it myself.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

24 years of existance

So today, I'm 24. Not any huge number by any means but unlike most years I actually feel a little different. Usually I just roll over and still feel the same - and it's not that I feel older but maybe more efficient or motivated. And I don’t even know what it is I'm motivated for - just in general. So like always I want to make a to do list - but I want to keep too it. And I want other to keep me too it to. But this time it's fun stuff. It's thing that will get me out of my bubble and hopefully enjoy some new things.

1. I want to go to the movies at least once a month. Redboxing is good and all... but we went to the movies a week or so ago and really enjoyed it. Prior to Toy Story 3, it was probably the last HP that I saw in a full priced theater. So yeah, it had been a while.

2. Mini-trips. We (Amanda and I) talked about taking a lot of little trips in and around Texas and the surrounding states. 5-ish hour drives in each direction to get out of the doldrums we fall into in our everyday lives.

3. Volunteer. I'm thinking either tutoring or pets. Maybe both. Kids would be safer but I think pets would be funnier... but I read more into in and they caution you a lot if you have your own pets so that you pass any disease from the shelter pets to yours.

4. Spend money on things that matter - I want to give myself an allowance to buy myself soemthing every once in a while. Not of food like I normally do, but if I have money left over at the end of the month I can use it on me. Something I'll really enjoy - whatever that is.

5. Date. Yes I know... Me, really? Yes. This is probably the one I'm gonna need the most help with. Not just to get the dates, b/c that is obviously problem numero 1... but also to make myself actually do it. I know me well enough to say that if/when I get asked out (which may not even be within this year, wheph) I'd probably run like hell in the opposite direction. I've always had this fantasy, for lack of a better word (maybe ideal is better), that I'd just fall into a thing with an existing friend/acquaintance. The whole thought of being set up or just meeting someone for the very first time with "expectations" is too much. But since I'm not falling into anything with someone I already know it leaves option number two... that I'm mortified of. :( Yet, I want to be pushed to do it, if the occasion arises.

6. Be spontaneous - you cant plan this, or it isnt spontaneous. I know... but I want to try and let my gaurd down so that I can be spontaneous. Even if it's just saying yes when I want to/normally say no to something. Just do new things - they almost always turn out. And if they dont, well then I'll know for next time...

7. New people - somehow, somewhere there has to be a group of people that I mesh with. I love my friends - esp the two who read this - and under no condition and I'm trying to replace. But others in "our" group dont seem to mesh very well anymore. I think I've purged a lot in the past. Some of it I regret and some of it I dont. Regardless, I would like to add a few new people to my friends list. I'm just not sure how to go about finding new friends - that's always been Amanda's strong suit.

But that goes back to the whole core of my attempt for this year – getting out of my comfort zone and seeing what happens. Not letting things pass me by because I’m unsure of the outcome. No one is truly prepared for anything – I need to stop playing it safe.

So for my birthday they graffitied my cubical with pictures of the cast of Hairpray… my fav of course being Christopher Walken!